Jason is hanging around and having a snack in his apartment, unaware of several tiny guys. When he takes a nap one of them crawls around his bed. Some of them get squished, some get turned into little red stains and a couple get swallowed whole. He does see one of the little guys, he picks him up and looks at him curiously, pokes the little guy a couple times and then crushes him between his fingers.
**Note this was filmed before Blakes Unaware Adventure and doesn't include some of the new camera technics we are implementing in videos going forward.
Video contains shoes, socks, barefeet, finger crush, sit crush and vore. Mostly unaware, special effects, green screen little guy. Multiple camera angles.
Video contains 1st and 3rd person views.
Duration: 17:30 mins (+bonus clips!)
This is for your own viewing enjoyment, please do not post elsewhere.
Jason's Unaware Adventure
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